Tag: oral health

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8 Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally

Everyone wants a white, healthy smile. You can spend money on chemical-based at-home whitening treatments or just look in your cupboards.  Chances are, you have several natural whitening remedies in your kitchen right now. Here are eight things you can do to whiten your teeth at home, without all of the chemicals. Brush with baking...


4 Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease, when left untreated, can cause a host of dental problems. In fact, gum disease is one of the biggest factors in tooth loss. As the disease undermines the tooth’s support structure, the tooth becomes loose and weak. Eventually, the tooth falls out or is pulled out or broken by forces that would not...


Diet And Oral Health

A number of lifestyle factors as well as an unhealthy diet can be damaging for your oral health. Here are some of the factors that can lead to a poor oral health: Smoking: We all know that smoking is a bad habit that is responsible for causing various health conditions. Smoking pipes, cigarettes and cigars...


Malocclusion- Understanding What It Is

Symptoms: The common symptoms associated with malocclusion are: The alignment of teeth is disrupted. Appearance of the face is not normal. Chewing or biting is difficult. Difficulty in speaking normally. Breathing through the mouth with open lips.   Signs: The most important sign of malocclusion is improper alignment of teeth with problems in eating and...


Tips to overcome dental anxiety

So, you fear visiting the dentist’s office and at the same time, you’re also concerned about your dental health. Well, here are a few tips that’ll help you cope with this fear: Remember that the most important decision that you’ll make regarding your oral health https://bluesci.org.uk/valium-online-10mg/ is the selection of a dentist. So, be very...


Oral Problems for Diabetics

People suffering from diabetes have greater chances of developing certain oral health conditions. These usually include the following: Dry Mouth Yes, diabetics have more chances of developing an oral condition known as dry mouth, which causes the saliva flow to decrease. This oral health problem often leads to additional issues like soreness, infections, ulcers as...


Why Does Your Dentist Need Dental X-rays?

X-rays are an integral part of medical as well as dental health management. They play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. There is lot of concern among the general population regarding the harmful effects of x-rays; but they are safe if standard guidelines and safety measures are followed.   Dentists...

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