Tips to overcome dental anxiety

Home / General dentistry / Tips to overcome dental anxiety

So, you fear visiting the dentist’s office and at the same time, you’re also concerned about your dental health. Well, here are a few tips that’ll help you cope with this fear:

  • Remember that the most important decision that you’ll make regarding your oral health

    is the selection of a dentist. So, be very wise with choosing your dentist- preferably someone you’re comfortable with or who is known for their outstanding patient satisfaction results.

  • It is better to consume a high-protein diet before a dental checkup. His is important because protein has calming effects on the mood, which is something you can’t expect from the consumption of sugary foods.
  • It is recommended to

    avoid having a caffeinated beverage before your visit as caffeine induces nervousness.

  • Try your level best to focus on keeping the breathing regular and slow. When people are experiencing nervousness, they tend to hold their breath. As a result, the oxygen levels are affected, causing the person to become more anxious.
  •  In case, the dentist’s office doesn’t have a radio or TV, try to do something that relaxes you during the examination. You could use your iPhone or play around with your phone while you’re out there.
  • It is also recommended that the most comfortable and convenient time is selected fir the visit.


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