8 Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally

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Everyone wants a white, healthy smile. You can spend money on chemical-based at-home whitening treatments or just look in your cupboards.  Chances are, you have several natural whitening remedies in your kitchen right now. Here are eight things you can do to whiten your teeth at home, without all of the chemicals.

Brush with baking soda

Baking soda is a natural abrasive that acts as a great all-purpose cleaner. You can use it around your home to clean a variety of surfaces, draw out odors, polish metal surfaces, clean countertops, exfoliate your face and, yes, whiten your teeth. You can either mix a small amount of baking soda with your regular toothpaste or just use it straight with a little water. The baking soda scrubs away surface stains, leaving your teeth whiter.

Take caution when using baking soda to whiten your teeth. The abrasive nature that removes stains can also damage the enamel. This is especially true if you consume a lot of acidic foods and drinks, like lemons, soda and coffee.

Rinse with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide once a week helps prevent new bacteria from growing in your mouth. Mix a 50/50 solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water. The rinse also helps prevent canker sores.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria on your toothbrush; just soak the end of your toothbrush in a cup filled with it for 10 minutes before use. A bacteria-free toothbrush is a great way to start your oral hygiene routine.

Eat chocolate

Chocolate has natural antibacterial properties. Eating chocolate neutralizes bacteria in your mouth, helping prevent tooth decay. For the best results, choose a dark chocolate with a low sugar content.

Eat strawberries

Strawberries contain malic acid, a substance shown to remove stains from teeth. Eating strawberries may help remove stains or at least prevent new stains from forming. To boost the stain removing power of strawberries, crush them up and mix them with baking soda to use as a whitening toothpaste. The previous warning about baking soda still applies. Don’t use this remedy too often or if you have weakened enamel. Strawberries also contain natural sugar, so rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards to prevent tooth decay.

Eat an apple

Apples stimulate saliva production to help wash away harmful bacteria that can damage or discolor your teeth. They also have a natural abrasive effect to help remove food particles from your teeth. Chewing an apple has a similar effect as brushing your teeth. Like strawberries, apples also contain malic acid, which can naturally remove stains.

Eat dairy products

The lactic acid in dairy products prevents tooth decay and strengthens enamel. Cheese also stimulates saliva production and the fat keeps bacteria from sticking to the teeth. Eating hard cheese after every meal has been shown to promote a healthy smile. Cheese is also high in calcium, which can strengthen teeth and prevent bone loss.

Eat raisins

According to Dr. Oz, raisins stimulate saliva production. As has been mentioned, saliva washes away bacteria and helps neutralize acid.

Have a tooth whitening salad for lunch

Take advantage of all of these delicious foods that whiten and strengthen teeth by combining them into a healthy salad. Mix apple cubes, strawberry quarters and raisins together and top it with a little parmesan cheese. It is sure to be the tastiest thing you have ever done for your teeth.


Even though these things can go a long way to giving you a gleaming white smile, it may not be enough if you have significant discoloration. Considering getting your teeth professionally whitened and then use these techniques to maintain it.