Everyone wants a white, healthy smile. You can spend money on chemical-based at-home whitening treatments or just look in your cupboards. Chances are, you have several natural whitening remedies in your kitchen right now. Here are eight things you can do to whiten your teeth at home, without all of the chemicals. Brush with baking...
Category: diet
Sugar-Free Gum and Remineralization
For those chewing-gum lovers out there, here’s an interesting piece of good news. Chewing sugar-free gum can actually play an important role in improving your oral health. Surprisingly, sugar-free gum can contribute toward reduction in plaque formation in addition to having a positive impact on a person’s oral hygiene as well as dental care. Did...
Can My Dentist Tell If I Have Bulimia?
Bulimia is a health problem that can make you have an uncontrollable binge on food. People who suffer from this eating disorder usually go through a phase of regretting on the foods they’ve overeaten which involves ways like vomiting or overusing laxatives to keep from putting on additional weight. The sufferers may even start over-exercising...
Diet And Oral Health
A number of lifestyle factors as well as an unhealthy diet can be damaging for your oral health. Here are some of the factors that can lead to a poor oral health: Smoking: We all know that smoking is a bad habit that is responsible for causing various health conditions. Smoking pipes, cigarettes and cigars...
Relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease
The inferences derived from various clinical trials and studies suggest that the people with diabetes have an increased incidence of periodontal disease. The reasons why people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease are not known. However, there are certain factors which are considered as contributing causes: 1. People with diabetes have...
Oral Problems for Diabetics
People suffering from diabetes have greater chances of developing certain oral health conditions. These usually include the following: Dry Mouth Yes, diabetics have more chances of developing an oral condition known as dry mouth, which causes the saliva flow to decrease. This oral health problem often leads to additional issues like soreness, infections, ulcers as...
Preventing Cavities before They Begin
According to dentists, proper oral care always starts from your home. If you’re engaged in the right oral hygiene practices, which includes daily tooth brushing and regular dental visits, you can prevent great trouble ahead. So, is there a particular way to eliminate or reduce your chances of developing cavities? Well, when it comes to...
Tooth Health: Fizzy Drinks & Teeth
Have you ever counted the number of pop or soda glasses you consume every day? While fizzy drinks are simply irresistible for most people, they are one of the major contributors to most dental and health problems. A majority of fizzy drinks have sugar in surplus amounts that participates in tooth decay and other dental...