Can My Dentist Tell If I Have Bulimia?

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Bulimia is a health problem that can make you have an uncontrollable binge on food. People who suffer from this eating disorder usually go through a phase of regretting on the foods they’ve overeaten which involves ways like vomiting or overusing laxatives to keep from putting on additional weight. The sufferers may even start over-exercising to get rid of the extra pounds while eating more and more at the same time.
Statistics shows that the percentage of women suffering from bulimia is more than that for men. Parents are mostly concerned about teens that normally develop this condition as a result of emotional stresses or other triggers.
Not only is the condition highly dangerous for your well-being, it is equally devastating for your oral health. So, is it really possible for the dentist to detect if you’ve bulimia? The answer is yes.
Signs a dentist typically looks for…

• Inflammation in the jawline or cheeks
• Front teeth having a clear appearance at their edges or teeth appearing worn from stomach acid
• Dryness or soreness in the tongue
• Bruised mouth’s roof
• Sore throat
• Unusual or impacted tooth enamel


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