Diet And Oral Health

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A number of lifestyle factors as well as an unhealthy diet can be damaging for your oral health. Here are some of the factors that can lead to a poor oral health:


We all know that smoking is a bad habit that is responsible for causing various health conditions. Smoking pipes, cigarettes and cigars can cause gum infections, tooth decay, as well as oral cancer. 

Sugar consumption:

Eating foods or drinking beverages that have a high sugar content can cause infections in the gums, cavities and might even lead to tooth decay. Due to sugar consumption, bacteria easily attack the gums and teeth, leading to formation of plaque on your teeth. If this plaque isn’t removed, it will harden to form tartar that can only be scraped off your teeth by an experienced dentist. 

Alcohol Consumption:

Drinking alcohol adds to dental health issues as it can lead to a dry mouth, which allows germs to attack your gums and teeth. This causes various dental health conditions. 


There are some medications, like certain antibiotics that can cause teeth staining. 

Gain or Loss in Weight:

Gain or loss in your weight can negatively affect the way your dentures fit in your mouth. To maintain a proper dental health, it is extremely important to keep your weight in check. A diet rich in high-fibre fruits and veggies can combat tooth decay as well as maintain a healthy weight.



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