5 Diseases You Can Prevent- Thanks to Regular Tooth Brushing!

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Your Gum Health Is Important


Did you know that regular tooth brushing plays an important role in preventing gum disease and gingivitis? Well, what regular tooth brushing actually does is that it removes the plaque and germs that are present in your the mouth, which are the root cause of most gum diseases.


Avoiding Periodontitis


Brushing your teeth will also help avoid periodontitis, which is a serious gum disease that can eventually break down the teeth as well as the bones around your mouth. It’s mostly a painful experience with the sufferers experiencing tooth loss as well as tooth abscesses.

Preventing Heart Diseases

Yes, it’s a fact and now one of the hottest topics in the world of health research. Your oral health has a strong connection with your heart and can affect your heart health in a positive or negative manner. The inflammation building up in your mouth as a result of periodontitis or other oral problems can eventually affect other areas in your body, with your body being at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Recent studies have also revealed that patients with good oral health practices are less likely to have problems with circulatory functions in their arteries as well as blood vessels.

Preventing a Diabetic Lifestyle

Surveys and research have also found a link between your chances of developing diabetes and poor oral hygiene. The more you take care of your oral health, the less you are at risk of developing health problems like diabetes.

Protecting your memory

 While most people are at higher risk of suffering from dementia in older years of their life, people having good gum and mouth health are less likely to experience this condition. Dementia is in some way related to poor blood circulation, which is something that can be improved if teeth are brushed on a regular basis.


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