Your Gum Health Is Important Did you know that regular tooth brushing plays an important role in preventing gum disease and gingivitis? Well, what regular tooth brushing actually does is that it removes the plaque and germs that are present in your the mouth, which are the root cause of most gum diseases. ...
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Tag: halitosis
Things to Look For In A Mouthwash
The use of mouthwash is undoubtedly an integral part of your oral hygiene routine. But with the wide variety of oral health products available in the market today, choosing a mouthwash can be really challenging. Looks what’s in there There are some mouthwashes that are labeled as antiseptic and anti-plaque. These can play an active...
Dental Health Terms
Dentists use some common terms to depict totally unrelated things thus making it difficult to understand them. The importance of being familiar with these terms is to be able to follow the dentist during consultations. This article explains a few of the common terms used by dentists. An abscess is a common term that many...