Causes of Mouth Sores

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A mouth sore is either an open sore, developed on the inner side of the mouth or a laceration in the mucous membrane of the mouth. They have a small and round appearance. They cause serious pain and can really impede your oral activities.    The types of mouth ulcers are diverse, with a multitude of associated causes including: physical abrasion, acidic fruit, infection, some medical

conditions, medications, cancerous and nonspecific processes. Once formed, the ulcer may be maintained by inflammation and/or secondary infections. There are two main types of mouth ulcers. They are aphthous ulcers (canker sores) and cold sores. (Fever blisters, oral herpes).

Amongst the various reasons that causes mouth sores is emotional stress. People who are usually stressed are more prone to having mouth sores.

With regards to diet and nutrition, there are more than a few reasons, mainly if recurring mouth ulcers are a difficulty. A number of people can be anemic (lacking sufficient iron) or folic acid. Perhaps, zinc insufficiently is one of the major nutritional grounds. There are a good number of

patients, suffering with recurring ulcers, having food allergies or hypersensitiveness.

The other leading reason of this problem is the unintentional damage to your gums, tongue or inner cheek lining. For instance, eating hot foods, mistakenly biting cheek lining or tongue, a pointed broken tooth and badly- fitting dentures may be a contributing factor. A sharp edge of a tooth, accidental biting( particularly common with canines and wisdom teeth), abrasive, or excessively salty food or even poorly fitted dentures, dental braces or trauma from a toothbrush may injure the mucosal lining of the mouth resulting in the ulcer. These ulcers heal when the source of the injury is removed for example, by replacing or removing the poorly fitted dentures.

Chemicals like alcohol or aspirin that come in direct contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth may cause necrosis (pre mature loss of living tissues), forming an ulcerated surface. Similarly, sodium lauryl sulfate, one of the key components of most toothpaste, has been found to have an involvement in increased occurrence of this oral disorder.

It is quite frequent for smokers to have multiple oral ulcers within a week of smoking cessation. The time duration

varies from individuals to individuals and may range from a year to a month. Oral nicotine supplements have shown some reduction in the occurrence.

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