Kids With Special Needs and Dental Health

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Children who have certain disabilities frequently experience dental issues like having an increased risk of developing gum disease or experiencing problems like having missing teeth.There are some health conditions that need particular dental care like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, Down syndrome, hearing impairments or learning problems.


So, why are special kids at risk of developing dental problems?


  • Most of the rimes, children with special needs have to consume drugs or medicines that may affect their dental health.
  • In some cases, these kids are advised to have a soft diet, which may become a cause of dental health concerns.
  • There are some kids who have physical limitations that are more or less related to their dental hygiene habits like flossing and tooth brushing.

But the good side of the picture is that the dental health measures for kids with special needs have improved over the years. So, parents have many options of helping their children maintain healthy smile.

It is best to consult a pediatric dentist for your child as these are trained professionals who understand any ways for dealing with the dental concerns of special kids. Remember, skipping or putting off dental visits isn’t good for your child and may cause severe oral health concerns.


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